ATTENTION: Employers and recruiters can advertise their current job opening and vacancy on the CAMSS website.
The information and cost for job postings on the CAMSS website is as follows:
- 30 Days – 100.00 (no revisions once posted)
- 3 Months – 150.00 (savings of 50.00) (with 1 free revision if needed)
- Revision price is 25.00 per revision/reposting
- Please provide a detailed job description and include contact information with how/to whom applicants should apply as well as a contact person for the posting
- Provide contact person of who will be responsible for payment
Payment options:
- Credit Card Payment through PayPal – please await an invoice from the CAMSS Treasurer in order to pay via credit card
♦ Job listing will be posted within 3 business days if paying via credit card - Via Check :
♦ Payable to “CAMSS”
♦ Memo/note – Job posting, date and hospital name
♦ Send check to – Brian Bowlin – CAMSS Treasurer – 12277 Apple Valley Rd, #292, Apple Valley CA 92308
♦ *Please note, job will NOT be posted until check has been received
Submission Process:
- Send email to and CC with required posting and payment information.
- A confirmation email will be sent with an invoice along with instructions to view your job listing online and review for any errors.
- Please direct inquiries regarding billing/payment to the CAMSS Treasurer at